We have yet to receive any donations for this cause. Please help the Tacloban mission team get medical care, water and shelter to the city devastated by typhoon Yolanda.
The Tacloban Mission Team is bringing medical care, water, and shelter to the city devastated by typhoon yolanda
A Letter from Fr. Hilton's mission team on-site in Tacloban
“Hello to all!
We do not have much connection to the internet. We wanted to let you all know we are safe and working hard. It is very hot with high humidity, so we are drenched in sweat all day! We have all been able to see the face of God in the work we have done so far!
The people here are so greatful! Many of them have nothing and have lost many family members to Typhon Yolanda, yet they take joy in the lord! They have given us so much and have deepened our faith!
The children in the orphanage are so beautiful, tiny and many are very sick. They love to to be held and played with, it is joyous and heartbreaking for us. Father John will be doing a baptism for the sickest little girl as they fear for her life, please pray for her.
The orphanage is bleak, the children have no toys, yet they find joy in our visits. Many of us went to a mall to buy toys for them! They could use so much more!
We visited the new housing, it is bleak. Each family gets a 12 x 12. Cement room, no running water or electricity, no kitchen, most do not have furniture or beds (this housing is much better than the makeshift sheds they were living in!)
We plan to purchase fresh fruit for them as they cannot afford to buy it. The people are very tiny and malnourished, we are doing what we can to help, please pray for us!
We have been praying with the sisters, this has been an amazing experience, as you can see and feel the presence of Christ in them! Later today we will visit the house of the dying and pray with them. We all feel so blessed to be here, thank you all for your support, love and prayers!
Love and God Bless,
The Taclban Mission Team!”
The city was destroyed in fall 2013 when typhoon Yolanda hit the region killing thousands and devastating the area with massive flooding. St. Mary's Catholic Church parish has sent 8 missionaries and Father John Hilton to work in Tacloban City. The mission team is working with Mother Teresa's organization. They will return on October 1 and will have been there for 10 days.
The mission team is asking for your help by donating to the Tacloban City relief fund. All donations go directly to the aid of this devastated city and people. You can make a difference!
The Pedaling Priest has returned to Aspen.
The Pedaling Priest finished his ride 23 days ago. Upon his return he had two big potlucks to welcome him home. It took him about five days to adjust and get back into the swing of things. He took a ride to the town of Lenado, an old mining town above Woody Creek where only a few people live. Father hilton will continue to make videos once a week or so. Stay tuned & God bless!
Don't forget to be part of the bike auction. You can do so by clicking here.
The Pedaling Priest dips his front tire into the Atlantic Ocean signaling the official end of his long journey across the country. More than 3600 miles and 2 million pedaling strokes later, our Pedaling Priest is ready to come home to Aspen, Colorado.
3600 miles, 2 million pedal strokes, and 54 days later, The Pedaling Priest reaches the finish line. After crossing steep mountains with lots more climbing than expected, our Pedaling Priest reaches a steep descent. Suddenly, he sees the Atlantic Ocean, signaling his journey’s end. How does the Pedaling Priest feel now that he’s done? Gratitude and thanksgiving along with a sense of accomplishment and homesickness.
Day 54.
Day 53. July 24. Today has been a day of hills and harbors through Rockport and Camden. One more day to go until the Pedaling Priest finishes his long journey after 2 million pedal strokes. Our Pedaling Priest reflects on his journey thus far and comes across an appropriately named home called "Journey's End".
Day 52. Today has been a journey along water paired with lots of climbing. The Pedaling Priest enjoys his very first lobster roll paired with clam chowder and homemade lemonade. After passing a Rexal which he hadn't seen since he was a kid, he stops in for a vanilla shake. Traveling through towns such as Bath, the Pedaling Priest realizes his journey is almost complete.
Father Hilton is now in Brunswick, Maine, only 25 miles from the Atlantic ocean. The ride to Bar Harbor is a winding road and will take him until saturday to reach his destination. Today was the last of the rolling hillsides and he is looking forward to a more mellow few days.
Day 51.
The Pedaling Priest is right outside Bridgton, Maine, the final state of his journey! It's hard to believe that it's already day 50. While he was cycling up Kancamagus Pass he was greeted by a friend of his that was camping in the area continuing the theme of the trip which has been the goodness and help of great people. Luckily he has no more mountains ahead of him. Tomorrow he will see the Atlantic Ocean and continue on his way to the Bar Harbor area. Only 4 more days left!
Day 50.
Father Hilton left from Lebanon, New Hampshire this morning and rode his bike along a bike path that used to be an old rail road track. Then he started climbing into the White Mountains. They are very steep and the climb was long. He finally finished climbing and made a speedy decent to the town of Lincoln, New Hampshire where he found a nice stream to soak his tired feet in. It's hard to believe its already day 49! More from the road tomorrow.
Day 49.
Father Hilton Left from Rochester Vermont and headed for New Hampshire. He had a raging decent out of the Green Mountains and into Woodstock Vermont. On his way crossing into New Hampshire there were a couple waiting for him. They were very excited to meet him and had some nice cold water for him. He is now in Lebanon New Hampshire and will be traveling through the White Mountains tomorrow.
Day 48.
The Pedaling Priest celebrated mass this morning with a very nice Catholic family at the cabins where he was staying. He came upon a beautiful church on his way to Lake Champlain. On the shores of the lake was Fort Ticonderoga. The mountains are getting steep! More to come.
Day 47.
Father Hilton continues his journey from Blue Mountain Lake in the South Adirondack's to Brant Lake. He pedaled along the famous Hudson River for most of the day. He is staying in Brant lake in an old quaint cabin. The Pedaling Priest met some very nice Catholics who he will be offering mass at their home at 7:30 am. Tomorrow he will be entering Vermont.
Day 46.
The Pedaling Priest in in Sleepy Hollow country. He left from Boonville this morning and passed through Old Fringe traveling on South Lake Road. He is in the Middle of the Adirondack Mountains. 10 more days to go!
Day 45.
Today Father Hilton started in Sodas Point NY and is now in Pulaski. He is staying at a very nice bed & breakfast that was built in 1859! He plans on spending a peaceful evening on the deck soaking in the beautiful view. Tomorrow its onto the Adirondack Mountains. More from the road tomorrow.
Day 43.
The Pedaling Priest started in Rochester NY and rode along the Erie Canal and Lake Ontario. He eventually ended up in Sodas Point where he will be staying for the night. He can't wait to get home and see all the familiar faces in Aspen!
Day 42.
Father Hilton left from Lockport and is now traveling along the Erie Canal which he is very excited about. Tonight he will be staying in Rochester. More from the Road tomorrow!
Day 41.
Father Hilton made his way from Welland to Ft. Erie and finally arrived in Lockport Canada. When he pedaled into town he was informed that there were no hotel rooms with a 50 mile radius. Luckily he was riding by St. Johns church right as the 5 o'clock mass was finishing. There was a lovely christian family that graciously invited him into their home for a place to stay for the night.
Day 40.
The Pedaling Priest had an incredibly healthy lunch today, it consisted of french fries with gravy and cheese curds, it's called Poutine. This area, west of lincoln ontario , has lots of farms and open space last year it got down to -43°. only 20 more miles to go today!
Day 39.
Father Hilton received the part needed for his bike and it's now fixed! He got a ride to where he was yesterday and rode into Canada. The weather has been pretty nice and he hasn't gotten in to any rain. Tonight the Pedaling Priest will be staying in beautiful St. Thomas. More from the road tomorrow!
Day 38.
The Mermaid Pub in Searsport, Maine is a part of the bed and breakfast where I'm spending my last night on the road. The owners have set aside for me a special dessert of bread pudding!