Day 53. July 24. Today has been a day of hills and harbors through Rockport and Camden. One more day to go until the Pedaling Priest finishes his long journey after 2 million pedal strokes. Our Pedaling Priest reflects on his journey thus far and comes across an appropriately named home called "Journey's End".
The Schooner Heron moored in Rockport Harbor. Not used to such sights, I was fascinated by this beautiful old ship.
The harbor of Camden, Maine from the vantage point of the town's monument in honor of those who died in the Spanish American War.
The harbor of Camden with the hill country in the background which would soon test my legs and lungs.
On the next to last day of my journey, I found appropriate the name of this old home in the tiny village of Lincolnville Center.
An old stone wall near Townhouse Corner, Maine. Such walls, representing the work of generations are to be found throughout New England.
Leaving the hills and entering Belfast, I found this harbor filled with many old ships being refitted by a large shipbuilding company.
The harbor of Rockport, Maine.