Prayers & Messages
“Hi Father,
Congratulations on an amazing journey! We happen to be close to Bar Harbor and would love to meet up with you if you have time before returning to Aspen. Let us know if that might work. Thanks!”
“Beautiful pictures of your journey and what a suntanned priest....or is it windburn!!
Keep up the good work. 2 days to go. We continue to pray for you until you are safely home.
this has been an incredible feat.
..and yes, you have incredible pedaling feet! Thank you God for all the graces You have poured on Fr. Hilton on his trip. Father, we will see you soon in Aspen at St. Marys. Love from all the Fantz Family”
“Wow! This is amazing! This is such an inspiration. You are an incredible spirit and such a wonderful representative of Catholic faith. One of the best parts of our marriage process was having you involved. So glad you are bringing this light and positivity. Blessings to you!”
“Father Hilton, my prayers are with you as you travel. I have thoroughly enjoyed your daily video posts and your messages have been most inspiring. I almost dread the end of your trip. I know your schedule with your parish is a busy one; but, would you consider future daily or weekly inspirational messages via blog?
Also, Father, if you could please pray for my nieces, Anna and Catherine Mary, who are having health issues and two friends, Chrissie and Mrs. Harvey, who are battling cancer.
Thank you, Father Hilton, for everything! Be safe and may God bless you abundantly.”
“Thank you so much for praying for all the intentions I sent you. I have been exceedingly blessed!!!
Please remember Fr. Brady Wagner and the college students for whom he is offering retreat these next few days. They are teachers for Totus Tuus. I believe the retreat runs from today 7/9 to Sat or Sunday.
“Wow! Pedaling across the United States-you are the man! Remembering stories you told of your Mom and Dad! Please know they are proud of their son! Great Priest and a great man! Your name comes up in our family gatherings many times-you have always been an inspiration for us! This time we are all thinking and praying for you! Enjoying your daily messages! Praise be to God! Be safe!
Anthony and Kelly Milano
PS It’s working! I was saying prayers as I was mowing the field yesterday! Such a blessing!”
“Father John
Dave Hattar here again I forgot to leave a phone number if you have a chance to give us a call when you will be in Marine City hope to hear from you.
God’s speed
“Father we ( Father & Son ) were in Aspen for one week Last March attended mass every day and spoke with you at church before we were leaving. We live in Birmingham Michigan and would like to say HELLO !! .
Could you let us know when you are going to be in Marine City so that we could come up there to see you.
I have been tracking you and you are making great time.
If not good luck and God’s speed. And we will see you in Aspen in January 2016 when we are out there skiing.”
“Today 7/2/15, you are riding with a very dear friend, Tim Kneeland. I will keep you, Fr. Rocky & Tim in my daily prayers. As you ride along please pray for a cure to Type 1 diabetes, success of the Amigos de Patzun project and the moral compass of the country. Thank you for your evangelization and your “Yes” to the Lord’s call. I hope that one day I can meet you! God Bless!”
“Your prayers and messages are such an uplift! What a joyful priest you are!!!”
“I was very pleased to see that you were doing this prodigious pedalling pilgrimage. Your postings are great way for me to see and marvel at those parts of the US I have not (yet) seen. What wonderful country.
Greetings from Saint Martin de Porres Parish in Boulder! I will be praying for you, and I ask you to keep my family in your prayers as well.”
“Greetings in Christ Fr. Hilton from Br. Conrad with the Franciscan Brothers of Peace in St. Paul, MN (formerly, Brent Richardson from Sts. Peter & Paul Parish & Frassati House in Wheatridge, CO). I am ecstatic having received the news of your cycling mission across our beautiful country. May every rotation of your bike pedals be an oblation to God for the salvation of souls. God’s speed Fr. Hilton and please pray for our community.
Br. Conrad Richardson, fbp
PS: I’m not sure what day you’ll be coming through Duluth, MN but it might be possible for me to greet you if I have details.”
“Please pray for a dear friend of our family that was recently diagnosed with aggressive bladder cancer. He lives in England so we can only send our prayers to him. If you would keep in your prayers that God will watch over him and his family. thank you and God Bless you on your journey”
“Hello Father John, I would not have been aware of your trip had it not been in the Denver Catholic this past week. My mom and sister, Betty and Ann Tary, are also praying for you. I called Mom yesterday to tell her the jelly bean story and how it tied to your father, who I remember so fondly. You are in my prayers! God Bless you! Mary”
“Godspeed, Father Hilton. Keeping you in prayer. Please pray for all our family and dear ones as well.”
“*Prayer Intention*
Dear Father John,
I live in Fort Collins and attend Saint John XXIII Parish. If I may ask, would you pray for my relationship with my adult son and his family. We are estranged as he wants nothing to do with me. We are following your progress on this very special journey of yours. May God protect you and keep you safe.
In Christ,”
“Hi Father,
I delivered your wheels to Wheatons. I wish I had more time to visit but I had to keep moving. It is the nature of the work.
Safe travels,”
“Hi Father! You are doing an amazing job! I’m really excited to see your progress and cheering you on! Keep spreading the joy, wonder and true love of Christ ! I’m from Alberta, you are oh so close, perhaps you will do another trip with your brother priests from Canada. I’ll keep you in my prayers.”
“Always looking forward to your end of the day message. God bless you Father!”
“What a great thing you’re doing, Fr. Hilton, for your parish and for the Church/community at-large! It looks like a beautiful route as well. Safe travels and my thoughts and prayers are with you.”
“Fr Hilton we are praying for you. You inspire me to get back on my bike but it’s not that easy. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer in December and have been challenged in so many ways with my health. Before I was diagnosed, I was in good health and exercising a lot especially riding. Please keep me in your daily prayers. I had a miscarriage on April 9th and it was hard emotionally. I’m keeping God close and taking it day by day. Pray for my family and all marriages throughout the world. God bless and can’t wait to see you reach your destination.
“Hi, Fr. John,
I’m the pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Malta, MT, one of the towns you’ll be stopping in along US 2. I’d like to offer you the use of my rectory’s guest suite, a good meal at a local restaurant, and our parish church for your morning Mass and Holy Hour. Let me know if you’re interested, as it’s the least I can do to support you in your excellent pilgrimage!
God bless you in your travels, and I hope you enjoy our beautiful, wonderful state!”
“May God watch over on you on your travels across our great country!!! God’s blessing as you travel. Best wishes from the Land of Enchantment and Deb & Len Hanko, St Thomas Aquinas Rio Rancho, NM”
“Prayers for you from St Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho! prayer intentions: healing of daughter Kathryn’s heart defect (23yrs old, married), son Christian’s continued discernment in Seminary for Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Daughter Isabella (17) continued health, strength and wisdom as she enters her senior year. All 3 of our kids have served at Mass for you when you’ve been in Rio Rancho! God bless and safe travels Father!”
“Fr. Hilton, I am a new student of the Avila Institute and will start my first class this week. I am so excited to learn more about prayer and going deeper with God. You are an inspiration! I believe it is definitely God’s will that the Avila center in your parish be built. I believe the time will come when you will be hosting many retreats there and people will come from all over to enjoy the beautiful creation there as they seek the face of the Creator. Please pray for me that I might live a holier life. I’m excited to see what will come of your adventures. I believe God has some wonderful surprises and blessings and graces in store for you. May the Lord watch over and protect you, lead you and guide you and be an ever present Friend and Companion on your many miles.”
“How great thou art !!!”
You remind me of my spiritual director, Fr. Gerard Steckler, S.J., who passed away earlier this year. He was an avid hiker and backpacker. My family will keep you in our prayers. Please pray for my husband and I, that we guide our five boys in the Faith - and that one will be called to the priesthood.
Thank you,”
“Father John,
I have noticed you will be riding the bike thru Green Bay, WI. If it isn’t too far out of the way, you might enjoy stopping by the Discalced Carmelite Monastery (nuns) just outside Green Bay. I know Mother Marie Bernard of the Holy Spirit (a former prioress & foundress). They are very good community.
Mother Mary Elizabeth of the Trinity O.C.D.
6100 Pepper Road
Denmark, WI 54208
My prayers are with you as you journey thru hills, mountains & plains. Please keep our children in your prayers. Thank you !!!
God bless.
“Peace be with you+. I see you’re on northern USA Hwy#2 passing through Bemidji. Date? Let me know. Maybe you can take an extra bike hike around Lake Bemidji, approx 20 miles on beautiful state trails and you must have photo with iconic Paul and Babe at downtown lake front.”
“Godspeed Fr. Hilton! May God cover you in safety and bless you with strength, perseverance and health in your travels. Our prayers are with you throughout your inspiring journey as we know you are praying for the blessings and travails of all to whom you minister, past and present. Wishing you smooth roads, sunshine and rainbows from Westminster, Colorado”
“Father Hilton, what a blessing this website is!! I stumbled upon it and about fell off my chair. I watch your video every morning and get my shot of goodness to start my day. Thank you for the mini-homilies that give me a sense of peace. I am praying for you to have a safe and peaceful journey.”
“Please pray for God’s blessing for my family and me. Thank you.”
“To God be all glory! I thank Our merciful and gracious Holy Trinity for dedicated, on-fire priests who are loyal to the magisterium and honor our Mother Mary!
Please pray for Beth Cullom, mother of a 2 1/2 yr old Summer, 9 yr old Julia and spouse of Mark. Beth has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung and brain cancer. Most Sacred Physician and Healer, extend Your merciful hands on Beth to grant her a miraculous healing of body, mind and spirit, bring her and her family home to Your holy Catholic Church and bless her extended family. My Jesus, I place their trust in You. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.
Please pray for my husband and I, we are in some financial difficulties and in need of sale of home, having some negotiating difficulties with potential buyers. Most perfect Holy Family, we ask your intercession for direction and assistance to a desirable home to buy. We pray that with the stresses, we will not succumb to the destruction of our love and support of each other and ultimately our love for Our Lord. O most Sacred Father, Son and Holy Spirit make haste to assist us.
Thank you for your prayers.”
“My prayers are with you Father Hilton!
If you are in the Toronto area, please let me know! Good Polish lunch is provided! God Bless and Good Luck!!!”
“Discovered your adventure and blog on New Advent - thanks, New Advent! Your daily reflections are inspirational! Thank you! You are in my prayers. My our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Holy Angels protect you, and may Our Lord bless you your trip!
P.S. My friend and I think you should have “Honk for Confession” printed on the back of your jersey!!!”
“Lord Jesus, father, son and Holy Spirit, we ask you to bless Fr John today and every day as he travels across our country. Keep your holy angels around him as he travels and thank you for the joy he has that only you can give!”
“Dear Father Hilton,
It’s Day Two of your journey, and I am SO excited to have this awesome website to be able to stay connected to you throughout your trip. Love the “Father Tracker”!!!! I was delighted to see you made the “New Advent” page yesterday with coverage of Day One! I am hoping that alone introduced many to your adventure. I watched your video post from the end of Day One, and so appreciate how you are telling us about your day, and then connecting your experience to our Faith, thus making your journey a true learning experience for all of us. What a blessing, Father! I was most touched when I read that you don’t listen to music as you cycle, but, rather, pray Hail Marys! I decided right then and there that I would pray as many Hail Marys throughout my day as I could for you. I woke up several times last night, and each time I prayed Hail Marys for you. May our dear Lord Jesus watch over you, Father Hilton, and bring you every joy and blessing imaginable! Thank you so much for inspiring us all with your priesthood!”
“When will you be in Buffalo area? Catholic Media national convention is June 24-27. I’m bringing cycle. John Feister, editor in chief, St. Anthony Messenger”
“Dear Fr. Hilton,
My family and I are praying for you on your amazing journey! It was so wonderful to meet you after Mass Saturday at St. Mary. You are an inspiration to so many! God bless you! We know that our Blessed Mother will love all the Hail Marys you will be praying! God bless you!”
“Will hold you up at adoration tomorrow at Sacred Heart of Mary in Boulder tomorrow. God Speed.”
“My prayers are with you. As a non-biker, I am awed by this undertaking of yours to travel”
“Dearest Father, please pray with us for Adaś’s brother Jas (pronounced Yash) he’s in the ICU in Auckland, he is intubated and not well- and also for their mother Ola who is enduring so much, and for Adas, he can’t leave here to go to NZ to be with his family. You are in our thoughts and prayers minute by minute Father, Pax Christi!”
“Dear, dear, dear Fr. Hilton! You brought me into the Church as an adult about 17 years ago! You blessed me and my dear husband infinitely with your kind, welcoming presence and invitation. I know you will touch so, so many as you pedal! We send our prayers and our love and we so look forward to watching this journey! We give great thanks to God for your presence in our life, and we pray the Lord keep you safe and healthy on your journey! Thanks for all that you have so richly blessed us with!”
“God speed”
“Fr. Hilton, my name is Fr. Jason Signalness. I’m also a pastor of St. Mary Church in Hague, ND (and 2 others). I’m excited about your trip, and I’ll be following you. I, myself, have ridden bicycle across the country, though not all at one time. I’m jealous that you’re out there, and I hope you have good weather. You can read about my travels at You might also find inspiration in my own experience as a “two-wheeled evangelist” in these two blog posts from a trip I took from St. Louis to Omaha as a seminarian:
May you have tailwinds every day and, remember, God really does provide. Bicycle trips make that especially evident.”
“My prayers are with you Father Hilton!
If you are in the Toronto area, please let me know! Good Polish lunch is provided! God Bless and Good Luck!!!
“Asking for prayers for my daughter Jennifer to get all she deserves. And to get her annulment. to have full custody of her children on June 3.”
“My prayers are with you Father Hilton! If you are in the Toronto area, please let me know! Good Polish lunch is provided! God Bless and Good Luck!!!”
“I heard an interview with you this morning on the radio, and thought I’d email you. Last summer, my friend Michele DeVoe and I bicycled from San Francisco to Boston (, and I often sit in my office day dreaming about what a wonderful experience. Looking at your route online, our path crosses yours only at the ferry at Marine City, MI - we came from the north and took an immediate turn south on the first road from the ferry.
In the interview you indicated you expected to have some good days and some bad days. That prompted me to share a bit of our experiences - we never had a bad day. Every day had its own challenges, its own struggles, but we never, ever had a bad day. We were having such a wonderful time that, after struggling to cross the Sierras eight days out (having had only about 200 miles of training before starting the trip), we decided the trip was going to be too too short. We decided our next trip would be about the perimeter of the US. Every day we had a miracle, from the snow cone on US212 in South Dakota 40 miles from everywhere in 95 degree heat, to people volunteering local road conditions. The only time it rained while we were riding was in the Big Horn Mountains, when it unleashed hard enough that you’d stop in a car for it. But when it unleashed, it was right in front of the first building in 35 miles. God watched out for us ever minute of the day. Before leaving on our trip, we asked our priest about dispensation for our anticipated missing of Mass. Father Don said, no, not ahead of time, do your best to get to Mass. And, part of the miracles, every Saturday evening or Sunday morning (including one Holy Day of obligation) we were at a Catholic Church. We didn’t plan it, we didn’t adjust our trip by more than an hour or two to meet the Mass schedule - it just worked that way. And out west, Catholic Churches are few and far between. Your interview led me to think that traveling with a priest would have made Mass a daily event. Later in our trip, we began calling the Rectory in the city we were headed to, and every time we were able to connect with the priest, we were allowed to camp on the grounds.
Go, go go, and have a wonderful trip.”
“ Hi Fr. parish is St. Mary in Anacortes, WA. I was thrilled to read on the page that you will be launching from here. I would love to be there with my family to send you off from Washington. Are there any official plans? I’d be happy to share the plans with my local peeps.”
”You ride with our prayers...rosaries, divine mercys, and lots of little kid prayers.””
“Thank you for having the courage to embark on this journey for the LORD! Our family will be keeping you in our prayers and will look forward to following your posts. Could you also keep a specail intention in your prayers for our family? Thank you and may God Bless You and protect you!” A favorite blessing of a dear religious sister from our parish, Sr. Margaret Rose...
”An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
“We pray that God will watch over you and surround you with the protection of his love as you traverse the country from ocean to ocean. We love you and wish you Godspeed.”