The Tacloban Mission Team is bringing medical care, water, and shelter to the city devastated by typhoon yolanda
A Letter from Fr. Hilton's mission team on-site in Tacloban
“Hello to all!
We do not have much connection to the internet. We wanted to let you all know we are safe and working hard. It is very hot with high humidity, so we are drenched in sweat all day! We have all been able to see the face of God in the work we have done so far!
The people here are so greatful! Many of them have nothing and have lost many family members to Typhon Yolanda, yet they take joy in the lord! They have given us so much and have deepened our faith!
The children in the orphanage are so beautiful, tiny and many are very sick. They love to to be held and played with, it is joyous and heartbreaking for us. Father John will be doing a baptism for the sickest little girl as they fear for her life, please pray for her.
The orphanage is bleak, the children have no toys, yet they find joy in our visits. Many of us went to a mall to buy toys for them! They could use so much more!
We visited the new housing, it is bleak. Each family gets a 12 x 12. Cement room, no running water or electricity, no kitchen, most do not have furniture or beds (this housing is much better than the makeshift sheds they were living in!)
We plan to purchase fresh fruit for them as they cannot afford to buy it. The people are very tiny and malnourished, we are doing what we can to help, please pray for us!
We have been praying with the sisters, this has been an amazing experience, as you can see and feel the presence of Christ in them! Later today we will visit the house of the dying and pray with them. We all feel so blessed to be here, thank you all for your support, love and prayers!
Love and God Bless,
The Taclban Mission Team!”
The city was destroyed in fall 2013 when typhoon Yolanda hit the region killing thousands and devastating the area with massive flooding. St. Mary's Catholic Church parish has sent 8 missionaries and Father John Hilton to work in Tacloban City. The mission team is working with Mother Teresa's organization. They will return on October 1 and will have been there for 10 days.
The mission team is asking for your help by donating to the Tacloban City relief fund. All donations go directly to the aid of this devastated city and people. You can make a difference!