Day 9.
My 90 mile journey for the day is almost complete! I feel very grateful for this gorgeous state of Montana. The rolling mountains and hills are simply breath taking. It's hard to believe that I have already made it 600 miles! Tomorrow I will be heading to Glacier National Park. I cant wait to continue traveling through this amazing state.
The Crismore's garden caught my eye as I was cycling along Highway 20 and thought I'd share it with you
I passed more lakes today than I could possibly count but this one stood out for a couple of reasons and the first of those reasons is the name which reminded me of a conversation that I had yesterday with an elderly gentleman who lives in these parts. He saw my cycling clothes and asked where I was heading off to dressed in such an outlandish get-up. I told him that I had started my journey in Anacortes and wouldn't finish until I reached the Atlantic Ocean in Maine after traveling 3,600 miles. He turned to walk away, shaking his head and saying; "You're crazy." The name of this lake reminded me of his opinion, which a number of you probably share.
When discussing today's route with a local who lives in Libby, he told me to be sure to stop for lunch at the Kickin' Horse Saloon and Eatery. He had two reasons for recommending the place, first of all, they're famous for their hamburgers which you already know I'm partial to. The second reason? To his knowledge it's the only eating establishment open on the entire 90 mile stretch of highway between Libby and Kalispell. You can imaging my dismay when I, with five hours of hard riding under my belt, found the place closed for business. Food gone and water running low, I did find another restaurant where a nice lady fixed me a Roast Beef sandwich that held body and soul together until reaching Kalispell.
The Kootenai River country is famous for its world-class fishing but this lure is going a bit overboard. It's certainly more than big enough to catch that priest's bicycle as well as the priest who's riding it.
Last Sunday, as we all know, the Church celebrated the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. In addition to this feast in honor of the precious Body and Blood of Christ, Saint Mary's also celebrated "Lilac Sunday" which has been observed at our parish in Aspen back to a time beyond which anyone can recall.
Saint Mary's is situated on Main Street in the heart of the historic downtown and is well known for the massive Lilac bushes that have formed a hedge around our grounds for the past hundred years or so. In early June each year when they reach their full bloom our parishioners arrange large bouquets to decorate our beautiful high altar.